
Donovan once sang “Yellow is the colour of my true love’s hair…”

Now whenever I hear that song or think of the colour yellow, The Grevillea, Sandra Gordon, comes to mind. This particular flower pictured here was captured in the backyard of my mother’s garden recently. It was backlit by the afternoon sun which gave it a golden glow.

The other picture is of a flowering Palm Tree located on the shore of the Causeway Lake.

Sandra Gordon Grevillea, Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia

Sandra Gordon Grevillea – Aglow in the afternoon sun

Flowering Palm, Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Flowering Palm – On the shore of the Causeway Lake

The Causeway Lake

Last week I spent a few days staying in a cabin on the shores of the Causeway Lake. It is mid way between the two coastal towns of Yeppoon and Emu Park, situated in Queensland, Australia. It is a tropical paradise.

As a young boy I grew up near here, and spent many hot summer afternoons swimming in the lake to cool off.

The following images are the result of an early morning walk across the causeway.

Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Causeway Lake #2

Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Causeway Lake #3

St James, Yeppoon

It is no longer used as a church. In fact standing on the side of a hill behind a couple of trees, it looks rather neglected and forlorn. The faint paintwork is peeling, feeling the affect of the tropical sun. I was attracted to it as I love old buildings – they have a character that is missing from the more modern edifices of cement and glass.

This image is of the old Anglican Church of  St James, situated in Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia.

St James' Church, Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia

St James’ Church – At Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia

The Old Archer Park Railway Station

These images are of the old Archer Park Railway Station, situated in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. It was built in 1899 and ceased operating as a railway station in 1970. In 1999 it was beautifully restored and reopened as a railway museum.

Archer Park Railway Station, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia

Archer Park Railway Station – Now a railway museum

Archer Park Railway Station, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia

Archer Park Railway Station – Beautifully restored


I have just returned from having a week-long break. It was part catching up with family and part having a holiday. I did get to do some photo-walks which were along tropical beaches and the early spring light was brilliant.

These images are of some driftwood, taken at a place I used to frequent as a young boy – near the Causeway Lake. The water of the shallow lake was always warm and was a favourite swimming hole. The setting sun has added a further dimension to the result.

Driftwood, Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Driftwood at the Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Driftwood, Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia

Driftwood at the Causeway Lake, Queensland, Australia


Earlier this year I took a photo walk through the Botanical Gardens at Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. Some of the images were posted on my return, however, last night I finally processed the remaining images. This one of a Cordyline captured my attention with its brilliant red leaves.

Red Leaves, Cordyline, Botanic Gardens, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia

Red Leaves of a Cordyline – Botanic Gardens, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia

A Rose

In 1600, William Shakespeare, wrote “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” (Romeo and Juliet)

While flowers make the perfect subject for any photographer, roses must head the list as one of the favourite flowers with photographers and gardeners alike. Now that spring has arrived in Australia I wait for the roses to burst into bloom. In the mean time I found these images in my photo library from past summers.

Rose, Barongarook West, Victoria, Australia

Rose – Victoria, Australia

Rose, Victoria, Australia

Rose, Queen Elizabeth, Christchurch, New Zealand

Rose, Queen Elizabeth, Christchurch, New Zealand

Yellow Rose, Amberley, New Zealand

Yellow Rose – Amberley, New Zealand

Yellow Rose, Amberley, New Zealand

Yellow Rose – Amberley, New Zealand